The Game of Monopoly. In 1935, Charles Darrow, an unemployed salesman from Pennsylvania, made a board game to play with friends. Soon he was selling to local stores. He was turned down by the toy company Parker Brothers, because the game had 52 design faults. After the daughter of the founder of Parker Brothers bought a game, she recommended it to her father and Parker Brothers licensed the patent from Darrow. Darrow received a royalty for every Monopoly sold, and became a millionaire.

The Game of Monopoly. In 1935, Charles Darrow, an unemployed salesman from Pennsylvania, made a board game to play with friends. Soon he was selling to local stores. He was turned down by the toy company Parker Brothers, because the game had 52 design faults. After the daughter of the founder of Parker Brothers bought a game, she recommended it to her father and Parker Brothers licensed the patent from Darrow. Darrow received a royalty for every Monopoly sold, and became a millionaire.