William Greenleaf Eliot (1811-1887). A social reformer as well as minister, William G. Eliot established the first Unitarian church, and was an early advocate of prohibition and of women's suffrage and the education of women. He is possibly best known for founding Washington University in St. Louis. Missouri History Museum
Under siege by the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918, nurses in Lawrence, Massachusetts, treat patients in an outdoor hospital. Canvas tents kept the sick separated and less likely to spread the deadly virus. And with the success of fresh-air therapy on tuberculosis outbreaks, public health officials strongly recommended taking them outside.
{ PUTIN'S 15 YEARS IN POWER - IN 90 SECONDS } #ForeignPolicyResearchInstitute via #BBCNews ....... A snapshot of Putin's 15 years in power: www.bbc.com/...
New pictures have emerged as part of a Channel 4 documentary about Princess Diana, seen here taking to the floor with Clint Eastwood (right) at a dinner given in their honor at the White House, while Prince Charles dances with another woman (far left, woman has on a purple dress). And there's also Tom Selleck dancing with First Lady Nancy Reagan in the white dress.

Saint Nicholas (Nikolaus, Bishop of Myra) Nicholas, was probably born during the third century in the village of Patara, in what is now the southern coast of Turkey. He was born of very wealthy ethnic black Anatolians of the ancient Roman Empire. Nicholas’ wealthy parents, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Being a devout Christian, he followed the words of Jesus to “sell what you own and give the money to the poor.”

July 4, 1956. 1034 Auburn Drive, Memphis. w/Barbara Hearn listening to playback. Wall pic is first publicity shot. His mother liked it so much she went back to the studio and had it hand painted in color on canvas. Here, Elvis is testing the three songs he cut a few days earlier. The acetate cut would play for about 50 takes before it disintegrated. He tried to dance with her, but he was all sweated up; she said "after you're showered up." He asked if the music was danceable — she said no.

My father killed the Black Dahlia and NINE other women, claims retired detective who says he's discovered his dad's a serial killer. Steve Hodel believes his father was responsible for as many as ten unsolved Hollywood murders from the 1940s. Hodel’s father fled to Asia in the late 1940s, leaving his family behind.

According to a 1910 New York Times article, "dollar dresses" were a project of Washington Irving High School. Too many girls were spending a fortune (i.e., between $10 and $75) on commencement dresses. The school disapproved and the dressmaking department issued a challenge -- girls should make their own commencement dresses for $1 or less. The N.Y. Times heartily approved, and insisted that "More than 1,000 persons saw the girls graduate, but not one person was found who was able to pick out on

George Mallory (18 June 1886 – 8 or 9 June 1924). During the 1924 British Mount Everest Expedition, Mallory and Andrew "Sandy" Irvine (on the left) disappeared somewhere high on Everest's North-East ridge. The pair's last known sighting was only about 800 vertical feet from the summit. Mallory's fate was unknown for 75 years, until his body was discovered on 1 May 1999. Whether Mallory and Irvine reached the summit before they died remains a subject of speculation and continuing research.

The reconstruction of disposition of Nikolay II's family and his servants at the moment of shooting, in The Ipatiev House ~ the infographic was created basing onreports of Yakob Yurievskiy, who commanded the execution || see names written bold: in the center there are Nikolay II and Alexey; close to the windows, from left to right - Alexandra Feodorovna, Anastasia, Tatiana (close to the door). Maria is in front of Tatiana and Anastasia. Olga is in front of Maria.Yurovskiy is in the lower corner
ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S FUNERAL included a wake for the late president held on Cleveland's Public Square on 28 Apr. 1865. Lincoln had been assassinated in Washington, DC, on 14 Apr. Cleveland was one stop in a 1,700-mile rail journey to Springfield, IL, where Lincoln was buried on 4 May. The funeral train arrived in Cleveland at UNION DEPOT from Buffalo, NY, at 6:50 A.M. from Karen S
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