The author, Lois Leveen states: ". . .There, staring straight at the camera, was Mary Bowser, her features easily recognizable -- unlike the blurry version found online. Just as clear was the date the image was created: 1900. A better match for the clothing and furniture, but not for the spy,...The image is of Mary Bowser ... just not the Mary Bowser we've been claiming her to be." I say, it is nice to have error this corrected. Mary Bowser was a spy. Just not this Mary Bowser.

The author, Lois Leveen states: ". . .There, staring straight at the camera, was Mary Bowser, her features easily recognizable -- unlike the blurry version found online. Just as clear was the date the image was created: 1900. A better match for the clothing and furniture, but not for the spy,...The image is of Mary Bowser ... just not the Mary Bowser we've been claiming her to be." I say, it is nice to have error this corrected. Mary Bowser was a spy. Just not this Mary Bowser.