12 Days of Christmas-King Henry VIII. loved his lavish feasts. Peacock was cooked in the great kitchens at Hampton Court Palace before the meat was stuffed back into its feathers and displayed on the table in the dining room with its tail feathers spread out extravagantly. Tudor kitchens had two extremes of temperature - at Hampton Court Palace it would have been swelteringly hot near the great oven with meat roasting on a spit, but away from the oven it was so cold that snowflakes often fell.

12 Days of Christmas-King Henry VIII. loved his lavish feasts. Peacock was cooked in the great kitchens at Hampton Court Palace before the meat was stuffed back into its feathers and displayed on the table in the dining room with its tail feathers spread out extravagantly. Tudor kitchens had two extremes of temperature - at Hampton Court Palace it would have been swelteringly hot near the great oven with meat roasting on a spit, but away from the oven it was so cold that snowflakes often fell.