The 1946 Great Seal Bug Story: The US ambassador to the USSR was Averell Harriman. The Russians had Soviet school children present him with a two foot hand craved great seal of the US which he hung in his office. In 1952, a countermeasures survey revealed that the great seal contained a bugging devise. That means that the Soviets were able to eavesdrop on the U.S. ambassador’s conversations for six years. On May 20th 1960, Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. revealed the great seal bug to the UN.

About 7000 years ago in what is now Southwest Germany, was a city called 'Herxheim', a city that was mysteriously abandoned. A few years ago, Dr. Bruno Boulestin and his team were investigating the region, when they hit a grave containing the bones of 500 people. The marks on the bones show that the bodies were skinned and had their flesh removed using techniques almost identical to those for butchering animals. One researcher suggested that some of the victims could even have been spit-roasted.

In July 1830 Joseph Smith dictated a revelation for his wife Emma. Among other counsel, she was instructed to “make a selection of Sacred Hymns as it shall be given thee which is pleasing unto me to be had in my Church.” This revelation gave divine approval to the inclusion of music in church meetings. Most early converts came from religious traditions that included hymn singing, and records indicate this practice was continued in the new church even before the publication of a hymnal.

✯Tear Catcher were used during Ancient Roman times, with mourners filling glass bottles with their tears, and placing them in tombs as a symbol of their respect for the deceased- It was also used to show remorse, guilt, love and grief. The more tears collected in tear bottles meant the deceased was more important-Tear bottles were designed with special seals, which allowed the tears to evaporate. By the time that the tears were assumed to have evaporated, the mourning period was considered over✯

In 1961, Leonid Rogozov, 27, was the only surgeon in the Soviet Antarctic Expedition. During the expedition, he felt severe pain in the stomach and had a high fever. Rogozov examined himself and discovered that his appendix was inflamed and could burst at any time. With a local anesthesia, he operated himself to remove the appendix. An engineer and a meteorologist assisted surgery.

The Affair of the Poisons (L'affaire des poisons) was a major murder scandal in France which took place in 1677–1682, during the reign of King Louis XIV. During it, a number of prominent members of the aristocracy were implicated and sentenced on charges of poisoning and witchcraft. The scandal reached into the inner circle of the king. It led to the execution of 36 people.

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