The Great Seal of the US, stored in the Boston Public Library, was made by B. Franklin. It shows the All Seeing Eye of God within a triangle surrounded by a blaze. The number of stones make the verse "The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone". The triangle illustrates Euclid’s theorem and also represents the immortality of the soul. The unfinished pyramid symbolizes the unfinished condition of the US. The blaze shows that only light can dispel the pall of ignorance.

The Great Seal of the US, stored in the Boston Public Library, was made by B. Franklin. It shows the All Seeing Eye of God within a triangle surrounded by a blaze. The number of stones make the verse "The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone". The triangle illustrates Euclid’s theorem and also represents the immortality of the soul. The unfinished pyramid symbolizes the unfinished condition of the US. The blaze shows that only light can dispel the pall of ignorance.